General Discussion
Dr. Saghiv answers all your questions. While not a physician, Dr. Saghiv will do his best to give you answers and advise
3Exercise Science
Anything exercise, exercise physiology, exercise prescription, strength and conditioning, and weight lifting.
0Biomechanics & Motion Analysis
Anything biomechanics, motion analysis, movement analysis, skeletal muscle roles, force production, and more,
0Biogenetics & Exercise
Anything bio-genetics and exercise related. How are traits inherited, the influence of genetics on fitness and sports.
Anything human metabolism related, with a focus on health, wellness, and fitness.
0Exercise Testing
Anything exercise testing related; How to exercise test, protocols, measurements, result analysis, and more.
0College Success
Anything college success related; Admissions, choosing an academic degree, finances, academic interviewing, and more.
0The Job Market
Resume, curriculum vitae, interviewing, cover letter, job search, finding a job, job hunting, and more.
0Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition - how to interview others for a job, finding the right future employee, and more.