Genetic mutation are genetic mistakes, processes that should not have happened. Most genetic mutations do not make past the cell's own corrective processes, meant to correct genetic mistake or eliminate the mutative genetic sequence altogether.
Those genetic mutations that have not been corrected or eliminated could spread through the population and even expressed. Genetic mutations that are dominant by nature, will spread more and faster in the population, while genetic mutations that are recessive by nature, will spread less and slower (if at all) in the population.
A genetic mutation is called a genetic mistake because it is not supposed to happen, yet does every mistake bear a negative meaning? Could a mistake lead to a better outcome than intended? Could a mistake being avoided end in disaster? Could the right thing (not a mistake) be bad for us?
Imagine a person making a mistake in the lottery numbers they intended to choose. They choose a number they did not intend to (for any reason) and end up winning. In this scenario, it is the mistake that they made that caused them to win. Without that mistake, that person would not have won.
Now, imagine a person making a mistake in the lottery numbers they intended to choose. They choose a number they did not intend to (for any reason) and end up losing just to find out that if they did not make that mistake, they would have won. In this scenario, it is the mistake that they made that caused them to lose. Without that mistake, that person would have won.
Now, imagine a person missing their flight, just to find out that it crashed and everyone died. That mistake of missing the flight ended well for that person. Another person is on a waiting list for a flight, they make it onto the flight (which they should not have) and meet the love of their life on the flight, ending up marrying them and living happily ever after.
Hopefully, I have established that while mistakes happen and are part of life, they are not always negative in essence or result. Genetic mistakes that result in a genetic mutation could result in an advantage being gained or a disadvantage or problem being cause, sometimes lethal. Analyzing human evolution and the "track record" for genetic mutations, it is extremely unfortunate that the vast majority of mutation, and also those who make it into the population are of bad meanings and results.
Genetic mutations spread more and faster in an isolated population (for example, on a secluded island), yet the chances of a mutation occurring to begin with, are greater in a diverse population. The chances of a mutation spreading in a diverse population is lower, and the chances of a mutation occurring in an isolated population if it does not already exist, are lower.
While most mutations (by far) are corrected or eliminated before they can spread in the population, it does not take much of a mistake to cause horrific or harsh clinical diseases, syndromes, and conditions. It does not changes to fast sequences of your DNA to create a lethal problem. It is enough that one nucleotide is misplaced, to cause a lethal condition.