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Writer's picture: Moran Sciamama-SaghivMoran Sciamama-Saghiv

Updated: Oct 23, 2023


Pregnancy and exercise by Dr. Saghiv

Meaningful health benefits await an expecting mother and her baby if they exercise; The earlier the mother and child begin exercising , the better and more extensive the benefits can be. The benefits can be divided into those who affect the mother, the child, of influence during the pregnancy, and after the pregnancy. Furthermore, the benefits can be divided into acute (short term) or chronic (long term).

Before I actually begin to address the benefits as discussed, it is important to consult a physician if the mother has any concerns about exercise before, during, or after a pregnancy, especially if the mother is experiencing symptoms of any kind, or has already been diagnosed with a disease, syndrome, or clinical condition. It is advised to exercise during the pregnancy, rather or not the mother has been exercising before the pregnancy.


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The presented benefits are based on clinical and empirical research findings published in scientific peer-reviewed journals. Here we go; benefits to the mother if exercising before the pregnancy include better chances of preventing the gaining of access weight, prevention of postpartum weight retention, decreased risk of gestational diabetes (pregnancy induced diabetes in women without diabetes before the pregnancy), decreased risk of pre-eclampsia (seizures and convulsions during the pregnancy), reduction of aches and cramps, prevention and improve of depressive symptoms, and an “Easier” labor experience.

Benefits for the child include lower heart rate in average, lower body fat percentage (BF%) at birth, reduction in incidence of Colic (prolonged idiopathic baby crying) where idiopathic bears the meaning of "unknown reasons" or "unexplained". It is important to indicate that these benefits are based on biological factors; they will not prevent the child from being over-weight if their diet is not healthy and supportive of healthy body weight. Thus, environmental factors still have their influence even thought the child has gained a potential biological advantage.

Benefits of exercising during and after the pregnancy can be addressed for cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF; aerobic fitness) and resistance training (RT; muscular strength and fitness; weight-lifting) separately. Beginning with aerobic fitness, a mother exercising during the pregnancy improves her heart's capacity to circulated blood (cardiac output), supply oxygen and nutrients for herself and the child. The same increased capacity also allows her to dispose of carbon di oxide, lowering the acidity of the cells. We always aspire to lower acidity levels, regardless of sex, fitness level, and pregnant or not. It becomes evermore meaningful to a woman dealing with the excessive challenges the pregnancy naturally includes.

A mother exercising during the pregnancy improves her lungs's capacity to exchange air (inhale and exhale; minute ventilation), supply oxygen and disposing of CO2 for herself and the child. Oxygen that does not make it to the lungs, will not diffuse into the blood stream, and will not make it into the cells of the mother or child. Oxygen that does not enter the cell has no meaning metabolically, and in its contribution to life.

Furthermore, CO2 not disposed of remains in the body, and can have negative implications on function and health. The lack of sufficient oxygen is known as hypoxia, while abnormally high CO2 concentrations are known as hypercapnia. Both can be dangerous to mother and especially child. A woman that exercises during her pregnancy, reduces that chances of such pathologies, lowering the chances of a risky pregnancy.

Women that exercise and take sufficient ferron (iron) supplements, show an increase in hemoglobin (a protein carrier of oxygen to the cells and CO2 from the cells). Increased cardiac output and minute ventilation combined with an increase in hemoglobin, reduce the mother's fatigue (on a relative scale). Improved aerobic fitness of the mother, improves he blood circulation and distribution, benefiting herself and the child.

Aerobic fitness helps reduce excessive fat tissue (adipose tissue) and excessive weight gain, as well as better absorption of calcium, magnesium, and ferron, all crucial to muscular function, bone health and density, teeth health, and the creation of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin requires ferron to be able to carry oxygen and dispose of CO2. Magnesium in addition to calcium is crucial to the ability to contract skeletal muscles and create force.

Faster and better chances of returning to a healthy weight after birth, lower changes of post-labor depression, and easier continuation of exercising (compared to having to begin exercising for the first time) are additional benefits of exercising during a woman's pregnancy. Let's us proceed to examine the benefits of weight-lifting and/or resistance training of other sorts.


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Benefits (relatively to not exercising or the beginning of the pregnancy) include increased bone mineral density (BMD), decreased lower back pain (LBP), better recovery from physical challenges, improved stability and balance, less micro-tears during labor, better protection of the fetus, better ability to ”push” the baby out during labor, improved stability of the pelvic floor, reduced chances of a high-risk pregnancy, faster and better chances of returning to a healthy weight after birth, lower changes of post-labor depression, and easier continuation of exercising (compared to having to begin exercising for the first time).

The next post in this mini-series will address specific best practices on what the exercise program or exercise plan should include for a woman that is pregnant, as her pregnancy advances normally or abnormally (God forbid; fingers crossed!). Stay tuned.

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