Let's dedicate this post to explaining the last four types of genetic mutations in this series of posts about genetic mutations. Obviously, one post cannot include all the information relevant to every mutation, yet I will explain and indicate the main pointers regarding this next four genetic mutation types.
Chromosomal Abnormality genetic mutations:
Include numerical and structural abnormalities to chromosomes. Since I have covered in previous posts the idea of addition or deletion of genetic matter, I will focus on numerical chromosomal abnormalities. These include any increase or decrease in the number of chromosome pair compared to the normal number (46). Thus, a numerical chromosomal abnormality will cause a person's cells to have either less than 46 chromosomes (44 or less), or more than 46 chromosomes (48 or more). These mutations can cause severe growth, development, and function problems. Commonly originate in the egg or sperm cells during their creation.
Germline genetic mutations:
These are some if not the most influential type of genetic mutations since they can be inherited by the next generation. These originate from mutated sperm or egg cells. These changes to DNA sequences occur during conception.
Somatic genetic mutations:
Occur in any cell other than sperm and egg cells after conception. Since they occur after conception, they cannot be passed on to the next generation, thus, they cannot spread in the population, rather than might continue to influence the current person and no one else. Somatic genetic mutations most likely influence a person's health. Some of the most well known somatic genetic mutations are those the result in cancer.
Aneuploidy genetic mutations:
Is similar to a numerical chromosomal abnormality genetic mutation, yet not identical. The difference between the two genetic mutations is that in an aneuploidy genetic mutation the decrease or increase is not in pair of chromosomes, rather than single chromosomes. aneuploidy genetic mutations are further divided into trisomy and monosomy aneuploidy genetic mutations. A trisomy aneuploidy genetic mutation increases the number of chromosomes by one to 47 chromosomes, while a monosomy aneuploidy genetic mutation decreases the number of chromosomes by one to 45 chromosomes.
This post concludes the this mini-series of posts dedicated to genetic mutations. Can I promise we will never again visit genetic mutations? - no ma'am, no sir...
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